Voices of Change and Empowerment

Empower Connect

Annie, the co-founder of No More Fake Smiles and a survivor of child sexual abuse, offers a powerful and transformative message for your event. With a deeply personal story of resilience and healing, Annie speaks with authenticity and courage, shining a light on the journey from victim to empowered advocate. Her inspiring voice raises awareness, promotes the importance of supporting child victims, and sparks meaningful change. Whether you’re hosting a conference, school event, or community forum, Annie’s impactful storytelling and advocacy leave a lasting impression, fostering empathy, action, and hope in every audience.

If you would like more information, please contact Annie - annie@nomorefakesmiles.com.au

Parent Connect

Tracey offers a heartfelt approach to connect with parents of young children, sharing her valuable insights and personal experiences. Drawing from her journey as a mother supporting a child through the trauma of sexual abuse, Tracey provides practical guidance, emotional support, and a message of hope. Her sessions foster a safe and compassionate space where parents can learn how to uplift and empower their children, while gaining the strength and knowledge to navigate difficult situations. This program is designed to inspire connection, healing, and a shared commitment to protecting and supporting young lives.

If you would like more information, please contact Tracey - tracey@nomorefakesmiles.com.au